Health Savings Account (HSA)
An HSA is a tax-exempt account established primarily for the purpose of paying qualified medical expenses. Most people covered under an IRS-qualified High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) can open and contribute to an HSA.
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- -->By offering a Flexible Benefit Plan, the Employer saves payroll taxes and the Employee saves FICA, Federal and State taxes. A Flexible Benefit Plan permits employees to authorize their employer to reduce their pay for expenses on Health Insurance, Day Care and Medical/Dental and Vision expenses not covered by insurance.
An HSA is a tax-exempt account established primarily for the purpose of paying qualified medical expenses. Most people covered under an IRS-qualified High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) can open and contribute to an HSA.
Employer-paid reimbursement programs for health care benefits. These plans allow employers to set aside a specific amount of money to pay for employee health care expenses as defined by the plan. All contributions to an HRA are tax deductible to the employer and tax free to the employee.
Saving payroll taxes for employers and employees for eligible medical, dental, vision, and day care expenses.
In order to offer pretax benefits to your employees you need a Premium-Only Plan. IRS Section 125 allows your employees to pay for their insurance premiums and HSA contributions with tax-free dollars. NBS's POP documents are drafted by ERISA attorneys and are up to date with Affordable Care Act Provisions.
Transportation plans allow an employee to set aside funds to be used for pre-tax reimbursement for qualified transportation and commuter parking expenses related to their employment.
While you may be subject to specific COBRA laws and responsibilities, National Benefits Services is your go-to source for COBRA administrative assistance.
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